This is part 3 of the series and today we’ll go over setting up the Microsoft Flow to configure our “on-call” call routing. In the part 1 of the series, we’ve configured the Azure Automation runbook, and in the part 2 we’ve created the “On-Call” Shifts.

Today we’ll be configuring a Flow that at the high level does the following:

  1. Finds the “On-Call” shifts for today
  2. Lookup User assigned to today’s “on-call” shift
  3. Launch the runbook to configure the operator for auto-attendant

Configuring the flow

Lidia, as the manager of the Team, decided to be the owner of the flow. As the owner, she would have full control of the flow, can edit it, and most importantly access to flow runs history.

To begin, Lidia logs into Microsoft Flow and creates a new scheduled flow:

Flow login

With the flow name, Update On-Call Auto Attendant, Starting time and recurrence2:00 pm every day. The start time is dependent on the shift’s start time. The idea is to run the flow a bit earlier in the day (before the shift starts), so in case of the flow failure, there’s time to troubleshoot the cause of the failure without any rush. Also, the Auto Attendant is configured in such a way, that during business hours, the menu options do not lead to an operator. After the business hours, there’s an option in the auto attendant to transfer the call to the operator – our on-call person. In other words, the start of the shift coincides with the start of the “after hours” of the Auto Attendant.

Flow parameters

Once we click the Create button, we get to the start of our flow and ready to add all the steps comprising the flow

Main Flow Steps

Trigger: Recurrence

The very first step is our trigger and in our case, it controls when and how often to run the flow. The flow could be edited at any time and the trigger adjusted accordingly. We’re assuming there’s only one “on-call” shift that starts each day, and therefore we’ll trigger the flow run every day, starting at the same time, before the actual shift start time.


Step: Initialize autoAttendantId variable

In this step, we set a variable named autoAttendantID which contains the GUID of our on-call auto attendant. You may remember we used one in the part 1 when testing the runbook, so for now let’s use the same 50892a0d-f5c5-4194-abc0-de39eec78d96 GUID. And if you later decide to share the flow with any other team, then the only thing they would need to change in the flow is to update the autoAttendantID variable to match the ID of their Auto Attendant (and a few other things, like shift’s schedule and team’s channels)

Step Name Initialize autoAttendantId variable
Action Category Built-in / Variable
Action Initialize Variable
Variable Name autoAttendantId
Type string
Value 50892a0d-f5c5-4194-abc0-de39eec78d96

And you should end with something like

Initialize autoAttendantId variable

When working with the flows, it is always a good idea to give each step a descriptive name, so when you get back to that flow in a month, you would know why each step is there and what it does. So let’s rename our step to Initialize autoAttendantID variable, and we’ll keep naming each step, to keep everything neat. You even can take it one step further and put a comment for each step.

Rename step

After rename

And now we have both: the trigger and the next step configured

Trigger and next step

Step: Initialize defaultForwardToNumber variable

In this step, we initialize a defaultForwardToNumber variable. This is a failsafe in case a user assigned to the On-Call shift does not have any phone number assigned on his account.

Step Name Initialize defaultForwardToNumber variable
Action Category Built-in / Variable
Action Initialize Variable
Variable Name defaultForwardToNumber
Type string
Value +16175551223

Alternatively, you could just fail the Flow run, in case the user assigned to the “OnCall Rotation” shift does not have any phone number assigned.

Initialize defaultForwardToNumber variable

Step: Initialize forwardTo variable

In this step, we create a placeholder for the variable named forwardTo and later in the flow, we would set this variable’s value to a phone number from User’s phones.

Step Name Initialize forwardTo variable
Action Category Built-in / Variable
Action Initialize Variable
Variable Name forwardToNumber
Type string
Value Leave empty

Step: Shifts for the next two days

In this step, we connect to our Shifts schedule and list all the shifts starting from the beginning of the day:

Step Name Shift for the next two days
Action Category Shifts
Action List Shifts
Team Awesome Support
Advanced Options  
From Start Time Dynamic expression: startOfDay(utcNow())
To End Time Dynamic expression: addDays(startOfDay(utcNow()), 2, 'yyyy-MM-ddT23:59:59Z')
Page Size Leave empty

Hint: Use searching to find the correct action. Just type in “shifts” into the search box and you’ll get the right component and list of available actions associated with that particular component.

Searching action

We are only interested in the shifts starting today, and not all the shifts from the beginning of the time. To achieve that, we use Dynamic Content and Expressions.

For example for From Start Time

  1. Click on Add dynamic content
  2. Select Expression tab
  3. Type in our expression, in this particular case: startOfDay(utcNow())
  4. And click the OK button

And should end up with something which looks like Dynamic Content

For the To end Time field we use the addDays(startOfDay(utcNow()), 2, 'yyyy-MM-ddT23:59:59Z') dynamic expression, which just adds two extra days from today. In other words, we’re listing all the shifts for the next two days from today (in UTC)

Shifts for the next two days

Step: Filter OnCall shifts only

The list of shifts from the previous step will include all the shifts defined in the schedule. If you have assigned any other than “OnCall Rotation” shifts, those will be present in the list. But we are only interested in the “OnCall Rotation” shifts, and we’ll use a filter to get on-call shifts only.

Step Name Filter OnCall shifts only
Action Category Built-in / Data Operation
Action Filter Array
From Dynamic Content: Shifts List from the Shifts for the next two days
Left-hand Value Shifts display name
Operation is equal to
Right-hand Value OnCall Rotation

In the “Advanced editing mode”, it should look something like

Filter on-call shifts advanced mode

And if you click the Ellipsis and then Peek Code you would get a JSON representation of this step, looking like

 "inputs": {
   "from": "@outputs('Shifts_for_the_next_two_days')?['body/value']",
   "where": "@equals(item()?['sharedShift/displayName'], 'OnCall Rotation')"

Step: Filter Shifts starting today

In the Shifts for the next two days step, the time range was set for two days, because if the shifts end after our To End Time field, then the shift would be omitted from the result. In this step, we filter only the shifts that start today.

Step Name Filter Shifts starting today
Action Category Built-in / Data Operation
Action Filter Array
From Dynamic Content: Body from the Filter OnCal shifts only
Left hand Value Dynamic Expression: startOfDay(item()?\[\'sharedShift/startDateTime\'\])
Operation is equal to
Right hand Value Dynamic Expression: startOfDay(utcNow())

In the advanced editing mode, the expression should be @equls(startOfDay(item()?['sharedShift/startDateTime'), startOfDay(utcNow())) and peeking at the code should give us:

  "inputs": {
    "from": "@body('Filter_OnCall_shifts_only')",
    "where": "@equals(startOfDay(item()?['sharedShift/startDateTime']), startOfDay(utcNow()))"

Peeking at the step’s code is a great way to see how thin work under the hood:

Filter shifts starting today

Step: Check for empty result

In this step, we are checking if the previous step did not find any OnCall shifts, like situations when the manager forgot (but can this really happen? rhetorical question) to publish the Shifts schedule or assign any OnCall shifts

Step Name Check for empty result
Action Category Built-in / Control
Action Condition
Left hand Value Dynamic Expression: empty(body('Filter_Shifts_starting_today))
Operation is equal to
Right-hand Value Dynamic Expression: true

This is going to branch our flow into two different branches:

  1. “If yes” branch – the branch that gets executed if there were no OnCall Rotations shifts found for today. This branch should raise an alarm and fail the flow execution. But it is really up to you, maybe not having on-call shifts is a normal situation and it is fine to terminate the flow gracefully
  2. “If no” branch – the “nominal” state branch, this is the branch we’re executing when everything so far looks normal and we found an *OnCall Rotation *shift for today

If yes branch steps

Step: Notify admins: No Shifts found

In this step, we post a message in a channel notifying the manager or an admin that no Shifts have been found and the situation may require manual intervention. Alternatively, you could kick off a flow, creating a support ticket, but for our purposes, just a notification in the channel would suffice.

Step Name Notify admins: No Shifts found
Action Category Microsoft Teams
Action Post a message
Team Awesome Support
Channel General
Message No "OnCall Rotation" shifts have been found for
Message continuation Dynamic Expression: startOfDay(utcNow(), 'yyyy-MM-dd')

In the Message field we add some static content – our message, and we also, add dynamic content, so we know for what day we did not find any on-call shifts.

Notify admins no shifts found

Step: Terminate because there are no shifts

In this step we terminate the flow with a failure code, to raise an alarm.

Step Name Terminate because there are no shifts
Action Category Built-in / Control
Action Terminate
Status Failed
Code 404
Message No shifts found for
Message Dynamic Content Dynamic Expression: startOfDay(utcNow(), \'yyyy-MM-dd\')

Terminate because there are no shifts

And this should complete our “If yes” branch. If this branch is executed, then users would get this message posted to the team’s channel:

Post message no shifts found

And the 28-day run history would log a failure: Flow run history

If no branch steps

In this branch, we continue a normal flow operation, and from a high-level overview, we do the following:

  • for the user associated with the “OnCall Rotation” shift we look up the phone numbers, “display name”
  • pick a phone number to be set up as the operator
  • start our run book to update the Auto Attendant
  • notify the Users or admins about job status: success or failure

Step: onCallUser

In this step, we look up the phone numbers and displayName of the user assigned to the “OnCall Rotation” Shift

Step Name onCallUser
Action Category Office 365 Users
Action Get User profile (v2)
User (UPN) Dynamic expression: body('Shifts_starting_today')?[0]['userId']
Select fields businessPhones,displayName,mobilePhone

For search criteria (user UPN) we use the output of the Filter Shifts Starting Today step and that output is a list of shifts. We always select the 1st element of the list, in other words, in case there are multiple “OnCall Rotations” shifts for the same day, we’ll only pick the 1st one.


Code peek:

  "inputs": {
    "host": {
      "connectionName": "shared_office365users",
      "operationId": "UserProfile_V2",
      "apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_office365users"
    "parameters": {
      "id": "@body('Shifts_starting_today')?[0]['userId']",
      "$select": "businessPhones,displayName,mobilePhone"
    "authentication": "@parameters('$authentication')"

Step: Pick forwarding number from: mobile, business, default number

In this step, we pick a phone number from the following options in the decreasing order of preference:

And set the forwardTo variable we’ve initialized earlier

Step Name Pick forwarding number from: mobile, business, default number
Action Category Built-in / Variable
Action Set Variable
Name forwardTo
Value Dynamic expression: coalesce(body('onCallUser')?\['mobilePhone'],body('onCallUser')?\['businessPhones']?[0],variables('defaultForwardToNumber'))

Pick forwarding number

Code peek:

  "inputs": {
    "name": "forwardTo",
    "value": "@{coalesce(body('onCallUser')?['mobilePhone'],body('onCallUser')?['businessPhones']?[0],variables('defaultForwardToNumber'))}"

Step: Update AutoAttendant

In this step we make an Azure Automation Create Job step to run the run book and update our Auto Attendant with the new Operator Phone number. But before Lidia can Create Job and run the runbook, she needs to be granted permission for Azure Resource Group and Automation Account:

Granting Azure Permission

Note: The following operations require Admin access to Azure.

  1. Login into Azure Portal as an administrator
  2. In Azure Portal navigate to All Resources and pick the O365Automate automation account
  3. Click on Access Control (IAM) and then Add role assignments Add role assignments
  4. Grant Automation Job Operator role to LidiaH
    Grant Automation Job Operator role
  5. Click Save
  6. Repeat steps #4 and #5 to grant Automation Runbook Operator role to LidiaH
    Grant Automation Runbook Operator role

Visit Automation Job Operator to find more about permissions granted for this role

Confirm Resource Group and Automation Account names

While still logged in as an Azure administrator, navigate to Automation account’s Overview tab

Automation Account Overview

and confirm

  • Automation Account group name – O365Automate
  • Resource Group Name – O365Management
  • Subscription – Azure subscription 1

If everything was configured correctly, LidiaH should be able to login into Azure Portal, and see all the runbooks in Home -> All Resources


And, if you open the Update-AA-Operator runbook, the Start button should not be greyed out

Runbook run button

Configuring the step

Now we are ready to add the Azure Automation Create Job action. Be advised, that unless you are the Azure Admin (and in this exercise LidiaH is just a simple user), the drop down boxes for the Job fields (like Resource Group name and Automation Account) won’t work and you do have to type in those manually

Step Name Update AutoAttendant
Action Category Azure Automation
Action Create job
Subscription Azure subscription 1
Resource Group Enter Custom value: O365Management
Automation Account Enter Custom value: O365Automate
Runbook Name Update-AA-Operator
Wait for Job Yes
Runbook Parameter phone Dynamic Content Variable: forwardTo
Runbook Parameter AAId Dynamic Content Variable: autoAttendantID

Create Job

We wait for the job completion, so on the success, we can notify the user about job success, or notify the admins in case of a job failure

Step: Was job successfully completed

In this step, we are checking if the job scheduled in the previous step Completed successfully

Step Name Was job successfully completed
Action Category Built-in / Control
Action Condition
Left hand Value Dynamic Content: Status of Update AutoAttendant
Operation is equal to
Right-hand Value Completed

Was job successfully completed

This is going to branch the flow run into one of the two branches:

  1. “If yes” branch – the branch that gets executed on successful job completion and we notify the group by posting a message in the Teams Channel
  2. “If no” branch – the job did not complete, and in this case, we notify the admins and terminate the run with a failure code

Was job successfully completed: “If yes” branch steps

Step: Notify Group

In this step, we post a message in the channel notifying the users about who is OnCall rotation today

Step Name Notify Group
Action Category Microsoft Teams
Action Post a message
Team Awesome Support
Channel General
Message Hi
Message Dynamic Content Dynamic Content: Display Name of onCallUser
Message (continued) You are on call today, and we’ll be calling you at
Message Dynamic Content Dynamic Content Variables: forwardTo
Subject OnCall Rotation

In the Message field we add some static content and some dynamic content, like *Display Name *and phone number we are forwarding calls to.

Notify Group

Code peek:

  "inputs": {
    "host": {
      "connectionName": "shared_teams",
      "operationId": "PostMessageToChannelV3",
      "apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_teams"
    "parameters": {
      "groupId": "group_id_is_hidden_here",
      "channelId": "channel_id_is_hidden_here",
      "body/body/content": "<p>Hi @{outputs('onCallUser')?['body/displayName']},<br>\nYou are on call today, and we'll be calling you at @{variables('forwardTo')}\</p>",
      "body/subject": "OnCall Rotation"
    "authentication": "@parameters('$authentication')"

Was job successfully completed: “If no” branch steps

Step: Notify admins about failure

In this step, we post a message in a channel notifying the manager or admin about the job failure. Alternatively you could kick off a process of creating a support ticket, but for our purposes, just a channel notification would suffice.

Step Name Notify admins about failure
Action Category Microsoft Teams
Action Post a message
Team Awesome Support
Channel General
Message Failed to update OnCall AutoAttendant,
Azure automation job status:
Message Dynamic Content Dynamic Content: Status of Update AutoAttendant
Subject OnCall Rotation job failure

Notify admin about failure

Code peek:

 "inputs": {
   "host": {
     "connectionName": "shared_teams",
     "operationId": "PostMessageToChannelV3",
     "apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_teams"
   "parameters": {
     "groupId": "group_id_is_hidden_here",
     "channelId": "channel_id_is_hidden_here",
     "body/body/content": "<p><span style=\"color: rgb(226,80,65)\">Failed to update OnCall AutoAttendand<br>\nAzure automation job status: </span><span style=\"color: rgb(226,80,65)\">@{outputs('Update_AutoAttendant')?['body/properties/status']}</span><span style=\"color: rgb(226,80,65)\"></span></p>",
     "body/subject": "OnCall Rotation job failure"
   "authentication": "@parameters('$authentication')"

Step: Terminate on job failure

In this step we terminate the flow with a failure code, to raise an alarm.

Step Name Terminate on job failure
Action Category Built-in / Control
Action Terminate
Status Failed
Code Dynamic content: Status of Update AutoAttendant
Message Failed to update OnCall Auto Attendant

Terminate on job failure

Code peek:

  "inputs": {
    "runStatus": "Failed",
    "runError": {
      "code": "@outputs('Update_AutoAttendant')?['body/properties/status']",
      "message": "Failed to update OnCall auto attendant"

Parallel, run after branch

After the Update AutoAttendant step, we are going to add a parallel branch and set the steps to run only if the job step failed. This is to catch conditions when a job fails without creating a status, e.g. a failed job submission

Click on the link between Update AutoAttendant step and Was job successfully completed step, and add a parallel branch*

Add a parallel branch

In this parallel branch, we notify admins about job failure, and we configure this branch to run only if the Update AutoAttendant step failed

Step: Notify admins about job failure

In this step, we post a message in a channel notifying the manager or admin about the job failure.

Step Name Notify admins about job failure
Action Category Microsoft Teams
Action Post a message
Team Awesome Support
Channel General
Message Failed to update OnCall AutoAttendant,
Azure automation job status:
Message Dynamic Content Dynamic Content: Status of Update AutoAttendant
Subject OnCall Rotation job failure

Notify admins about job failure

Once this step is configured, click on ellipsis and then on configure run after

Uncheck is successful box and check:

  • Has failed
  • Is skipped
  • Has timed out

Configure run after

Run after options

Step: Terminate on job failure 2

In this step we terminate the flow with a failure code, to raise an alarm.

Step Name Terminate on job failure 2
Action Category Built-in / Control
Action Terminate
Status Failed
Code Dynamic content: Status of Update AutoAttendant
Message Failed to update OnCall Auto Attendant

At this point the flow configuration is done, click the Save button to save the flow and it is the time to test the flow.

Testing the flow

Once the flow is saved, you can do a test run of the flow

Testing the flow

Click on the Test link (top right corner), check the I’ll perform the trigger action checkboxes and then click the Test button

Test the flow

Click the Run flow button

Run flow

And you should get a notification about the flow being successfully started Flow run was started

Click on the Done button and it should get you to the run result page. If the run was successful, then you should get all the steps this specific flow run took. For a successful flow run, the last steps should look like

Successful flow run

And in the “*Awesome Support” *Team General channel we should get a message e.g.

Flow run success message

And if Lidia opens the Flow app in Teams Client, then she would have access to all recent flow runs and status of each run.

28-day run history

And if anything goes wrong, Lidia could do some troubleshooting. For example, we notice a flow run failure:

Flow run failure

Opening this run results, Lidia can see that the “If yes: branch” got executed, signifying that there were no OnCall Rotation Shift(s) assigned to anyone today and we decided that no shifts should raise an alarm as in our case we always supposed to have someone on-call.

Flow run failure cause

And this could serve us as another indication, why it is better to properly name each step, because just by looking at Terminate because there are no shifts we already have a big hint why the run has failed. Consider if the last step had just the default Terminate name? Then you still would analyze the flow to check why really it was terminated.